冰淇淋車胖胎自行車 - 安全面罩藍色

$1,999.00 $2,349.00

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冰淇淋卡車解決了必須在胖胎自行車和林道自行車之間進行選擇的問題。它擁有對稱的 190 毫米間距 Chromoly 車架、經過懸吊校正的 150 毫米間距前叉以及運動型越野幾何形狀。在 4.8 吋大輪胎的支撐下,它可以輕鬆應對幾乎任何地形。
  • 100% Surly 鉻鉬鋼,搭配 44 毫米頭管和內部升降座桿走線
  • 框架採用 ED 塗層,可延長預期壽命
  • 1-1/8" 直轉向叉,鉻鉬鋼
  • 100mm 螺紋五通外殼
  • 前後筒軸,非偏置
  • 通用鑄造勾爪符合筒軸或快速釋放標準

    What happens when you join the 10k+ happy Huckleberry Customers

    order your bike

    When your order your bike on our site, it notifies us at the shop.
    Day 1

    We'll build it and put it in a box

    After you place your order, we'll build your bike – so you don't have to. Derailleurs, brakes, and every bolt is adjusted properly. From there, it's time to ship.
    Day 2

    Your new bike arrives at your door

    We ship new bikes 95% assembled. 
    It takes 3 simple steps to get your bike rolling: 1. Mount the front wheel. 2. Attach the handlebars. 3. Put on the pedals
    Day 4-9


    It's time to get rolling. You have a new bike to ride.
    Day 9, 10, 11, 12, 13... every day.

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