Once a year a fabulous tradition visits our city; the most appropriate of settings. Charming fellows dawn their bowler hats, dynamic damsels pin up their hair, and everyone grabs their bikes.
The SF Tweed Ride, a casually-paced gallivant through the City, has a uniquely welcoming quality that can be rare to come by in this bustling metropolis. Since its inception The SF Tweed Ride grows in attendance year after year. The organizers , Melinda and Charlie host more like close friends than ride leaders, and the hospitable nature of this ride makes one wish it came around more than once a year. This was our first year riding the SF Tweed Ride and its easy to say we will be back again.
Enjoy some photos of the ride by our own Johnny Galvan ~
The SF Tweed Lapel Pin. Limited supply still available at Huckleberry.
Find more about SF Tweed on their fb page.
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