May 10, 2012
Congratulations to Rush for being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Class of 2013. Many would say that the nomination was years late, but with a masterpiece still 100 years ahead of its time, it can be argued they were inducted a century early. We listen to all sorts of Rush at the shop. Pop on Permanent Waves and start air-drumming to The Spirit of Radio, or better yet move on to Moving Pictures and play the air bass and the air keyboard while singing with your most majestic falsetto. Keep at it and you might be the next Geddy Lee! Speaking of that falsetto, my favorite Rush moment at the shop must have been when our dear friend Bjarmes Baltimore was rocking out to Rush. After moving onto the second side of the record, Mr. Baltimore exclaimed, "this lady has an amazing voice!" Beat that Robert Plant.
So we congratulate you Rush. Even though there were some fashion mishaps along the way....